WASHINGTON – U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced the expansion of the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program. This program offers funding to citizenship preparation programs in communities across the nation. Applications are now open, with grants totaling up to $25 million available to help immigrants prepare for naturalization and promote civic integration by enhancing their knowledge of English, U.S. history, and civics. In addition to traditional programs that support citizenship and English classes, the 2023 grants also welcome innovative and creative approaches to prepare immigrants for naturalization.

According to USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou, “Through our Citizenship and Integration Grant Program, we are enhancing integration services such as English language, U.S. history, and civics instruction for noncitizens on their path to becoming American citizens. By providing additional funding opportunities, organizations will be able to reach more communities and ensure that noncitizens have access to the necessary tools and resources for citizenship education.”

USCIS aims to expand the availability of high-quality citizenship and integration services nationwide through the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program. Here are the grant opportunities available:

  1. Citizenship Instruction and Naturalization Application Services: This grant opportunity supports public or nonprofit organizations that offer both citizenship instruction and naturalization application services to lawful permanent residents (LPRs). USCIS plans to award up to $300,000 to 55 organizations for a two-year period. The application deadline is July 28, 2023.
  2. Community and Regional Integration Network Grant: This grant opportunity focuses on extended integration services with personalized programming for specific groups of immigrants. It includes individuals who entered the United States under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, those granted asylum, and Cuban or Haitian entrants, among others. Previously known as the Refugee and Asylee Integration Services Grant, this program now expands eligibility to organizations serving vulnerable populations such as Cuban or Haitian entrants, Special Immigrant Visa holders, victims of human trafficking and criminal activity, and abused spouses, children, and parents under the Violence Against Women Act. USCIS intends to award up to $300,000 to three public or nonprofit organizations experienced in serving vulnerable populations for a two-year period. The application deadline is July 28, 2023.
  3. Regional Hub Program: This grant opportunity aims to strengthen community and organizational capacity to identify, support, and prepare LPRs for citizenship. Recipients will assist in creating or expanding citizenship networks and provide technical assistance to network members offering citizenship instruction and naturalization application services. Through a hub and spoke funding model, the Regional Hub grant will comprehensively support LPRs on their path to citizenship and facilitate their integration into receiving communities. USCIS expects to award up to $1 million to four grants for a two-year period. The application deadline is July 28, 2023.
  4. Innovations in Citizenship Education Program: This grant opportunity supports public, nonprofit, or for-profit organizations that foster creative approaches to prepare immigrants for naturalization and promote their civic, linguistic, and cultural integration into communities. While other funding opportunities focus on specific citizenship preparation services, the Innovations program invests in initiatives that develop, test, and share innovative solutions to overcome barriers to naturalization and expand access to citizenship education and preparation services. USCIS plans to award up to $250,000 to 14 organizations for a two-year period. The application deadline is July 28, 2023.

Since 2009, the USCIS Citizenship and Integration Grant Program has awarded $132 million through 579 grants to organizations serving immigrants. These grants have provided citizenship preparation services to over 300,000 immigrants in 39 states and the District of Columbia. In Fiscal Year 2023, USCIS received support from Congress through appropriations to make these funding opportunities available to communities. The award recipients for these funding opportunities will be announced in September 2023.

To apply for these funding opportunities, please visit www.grants.gov. USCIS encourages applicants to visit the website before the application deadline to obtain the necessary registration information required to complete the application process.

For further information about the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program for fiscal year 2023, please visit the USCIS Office of Citizenship’s website or email citizenshipgrantprogram@uscis.dhs.gov.

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