The amount of the minimum salary requirement varies depending on the occupation and experience level of the applicant. Generally speaking, the minimum salary requirement for skilled workers is set at £25,600 per year or £20,480 if you are applying under the Shortage Occupation route.


The amount is based on the occupation and experience of the applicant, and must be met in order for the application to be approved. The minimum salary includes all wages, bonuses, and commission received from an employer. It does not include any other income such as benefits, investments, or pensions. Additionally, unpaid leave does not count towards the minimum salary requirement. 

UK minimum salary for skilled workers

The UK minimum salary for skilled workers is a policy that sets out the minimum salary thresholds that skilled workers must earn in order to obtain a visa to work in the UK. The policy was introduced in December 2020 as part of the UK’s post-Brexit immigration system and applies to all non-UK nationals seeking to work in the country. The minimum salary thresholds vary depending on the skill level required for the job and the category of the worker. The policy aims to ensure that only skilled workers who can make a significant contribution to the UK’s economy and society are granted permission to work in the country.

What is the Minimum Salary for skilled workers in the UK

The minimum salary for skilled workers in the UK depends on the category of the job and the skill level required. The current policy, introduced in December 2020, sets the minimum salary thresholds as follows:

  • Skilled workers with a job offer: at least £25,600 per year
  • Skilled workers with a job offer in a shortage occupation: at least £20,480 per year
  • New entrants to the labour market (e.g. recent graduates): at least £20,480 per year
  • Workers with a PhD relevant to the job: at least £23,040 per year

It’s important to note that these minimum salaries are only one of several requirements that skilled workers must meet in order to obtain a visa to work in the UK. Other requirements include English language proficiency, a valid job offer, and a certain level of education or skill.

How does this compare to other countries

The UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers is higher than the minimum wage set by many other countries. For example, in the US, the federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour. In Australia, it’s AUD$19.84 per hour. In Germany, the minimum wage is €8.50 per hour.

Although the UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers is higher than many other countries, there are still significant differences in wages between nations. For example, the minimum wage in some parts of the United States is more than double the minimum wage in the UK. Similarly, many countries have their own different rules and regulations surrounding the wages of skilled workers.

Despite these differences, it is important to note that the UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers is still a step in the right direction towards protecting the rights of workers. By setting a minimum wage for skilled workers, it can provide some security and assurance that their pay will not be unfairly reduced. It also helps to ensure a more equitable workplace for those who work hard and play by the rules.

What are the benefits of having a Minimum Salary

Having a minimum salary for skilled workers provides a number of benefits for both employers and employees. For employers, it guarantees that their staff are earning a fair wage for their work and helps to ensure that their employees remain loyal and motivated. This can have positive effects on productivity, which in turn can have positive effects on the company’s bottom line.

For employees, a minimum salary can provide security and peace of mind. Knowing that they will receive a certain amount each month means that they can plan ahead and budget effectively. Furthermore, it ensures that they are not being taken advantage of or underpaid for their hard work.

Having a minimum salary also has wider economic benefits. When workers are paid fairly, they are able to spend more money in the economy, which can help to stimulate growth. In addition, it helps to reduce inequality by ensuring that those at the lower end of the pay scale are not left behind. Finally, it can help to reduce poverty levels by ensuring that people have enough money to meet their basic needs.

CGM is a corporate immigration application for expats, sponsoring companies and business immigration advisors. Feel free to contact us on 0300 000 000 or send us an email if you have any questions. 

Requirements for UK Minimum Salary for Skilled Workers

In order to meet the requirements for the UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers, non-UK nationals must meet a number of criteria, including:

  1. Skill level: The job being offered must be at or above the required skill level, which is typically equivalent to RQF level 3 or above.
  2. Job offer: The worker must have a job offer from a UK employer that meets the minimum salary thresholds for their category.
  3. English language proficiency: The worker must be able to speak, read, write, and understand English to a certain level. This is typically demonstrated by passing an approved English language test.
  4. Education and qualifications: The worker must have a certain level of education or professional qualifications that are relevant to their job.
  5. Maintenance funds: The worker must show that they have enough money to support themselves in the UK without relying on public funds.

It’s important to note that there may be additional requirements depending on the specific category of visa being applied for. Additionally, some categories of workers may be eligible for different requirements or exemptions, such as the youth mobility scheme or intra-company transfers.

Impact of UK Minimum Salary for Skilled Workers on employers

The UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers has a significant impact on employers who are looking to hire skilled workers from outside the UK. Some of the key impacts include:

  1. Increased  labor costs: The minimum salary thresholds are often higher than what employers would pay for similar jobs in their home country, which can increase labor costs for employers.
  2. Limited pool of candidates: The minimum salary thresholds may make it more difficult for employers to find qualified candidates who meet the requirements for a visa to work in the UK, particularly in industries where the supply of skilled workers is limited.
  3. Administrative burden: Employers must navigate the visa application process, which can be complex and time-consuming. They must also act as a sponsor for the visa, which involves fulfilling certain legal obligations and maintaining accurate records.
  4. Competition for skilled workers: The minimum salary thresholds may lead to increased competition for skilled workers who meet the requirements for a visa, particularly in industries where the demand for skilled workers is high
  5. Potential for talent shortages: If employers are unable to find qualified candidates who meet the requirements for a visa, they may face talent shortages which could impact their ability to operate and grow their business.

Overall, the impact of the minimum salary for skilled workers on employers will depend on a variety of factors, including the industry, the skill level required for the job, and the availability of qualified candidates who meet the requirements for a visa.

Effects of UK Minimum Salary for Skilled Workers on the UK job market

  1. Reduced competition from low-skilled workers: The minimum salary thresholds are designed to ensure that only skilled workers who can make a significant contribution to the UK’s economy and society are granted permission to work in the country. 
  2. Increased demand for high-skilled workers: The increase demand for high-skilled workers, particularly in industries where the supply of skilled workers is limited. This could lead to higher wages and better working conditions for UK workers in these industries.
  3. Potential talent shortages: If employers are unable to find qualified candidates who meet the requirements for a visa, they may face talent shortages which could impact their ability to operate and grow their business. This could lead to reduced job opportunities for UK workers in these industries.
  4. Impact on certain industries: The policy may have a disproportionate impact on certain industries, particularly those that rely heavily on skilled workers from outside the UK. This could lead to labor shortages and higher costs for businesses operating in these industries.
  5. Increased administrative burden: Employers must navigate the visa application process and act as a sponsor for the visa, which involves fulfilling certain legal obligations and maintaining accurate records. This could increase the administrative burden for businesses, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises.

Overall, the impact of the minimum salary for skilled workers on the UK’s job market will depend on a variety of factors, including the industry, the skill level required for the job, and the availability of qualified candidates who meet the requirements for a visa.

Factors Affecting the Minimum Salary

When applying for a Skilled Worker Visa UK, the minimum salary requirement is determined by a number of factors, including the type of occupation you are applying for, your experience and qualifications, as well as the specific location of the position.

Age: Younger workers aged 25 and under are eligible for the National Living Wage (NLW) which currently stands at £8.21 an hour. This rate applies regardless of experience or qualifications. 

Occupation Type: Different occupations have different minimum salary requirements. For example, healthcare professionals and engineers typically have higher minimum salary requirements than retail assistants.

Experience and Qualifications: The minimum salary requirement may also vary depending on your level of experience and qualifications. Generally, more experienced professionals with higher qualifications will be required to earn a higher minimum salary.

Location: Depending on the location of the job, there may also be a difference in the required minimum salary. Generally, jobs located in London or other major cities tend to have higher salary requirements than those located in smaller towns or rural areas.

Overall, it is important to remember that the required minimum salary may differ depending on the specific occupation, your level of experience and qualifications, as well as the location of the position. It is important to research these factors carefully before applying for a Skilled Worker Visa UK.

CGM is a corporate immigration application for expats, sponsoring companies and business immigration advisors. Feel free to contact us on 0300 000 000 or send us an email if you have any questions. 

Exceptions to the Minimum Salary Requirement

When applying for a Skilled Worker Visa UK, it is important to know that there are some exceptions to the minimum salary requirement. This includes the Shortage Occupation List, Intra-Company Transfer Route, and the New Entrant Rule.

  1. Shortage Occupation List: If you have a job listed on the UK Shortage Occupation List, you may be exempt from the minimum salary requirement. The list of eligible occupations can be found on the UK Government’s website.
  2. Intra-Company Transfer Route: If you are an international employee of a company outside of the UK who is being transferred to the UK branch of that company, you may also be exempt from the minimum salary requirement.
  3. New Entrant Rule: Under the New Entrant Rule, applicants who are aged 26 or under may be able to qualify for the Skilled Worker Visa even if they do not meet the minimum salary requirement. The New Entrant Rule allows applicants to use either their previous earnings or an estimate of their likely future earnings to meet the criteria.

These exceptions to the minimum salary requirement provide flexibility for those applying for a Skilled Worker Visa UK. It is important to be aware of these exceptions when applying so that you are aware of all possible pathways to obtaining a visa.

Are there any drawbacks

When it comes to setting a minimum salary for skilled workers in the UK, there are some potential drawbacks. First, it can limit the number of people who are willing to take on certain jobs. By setting a minimum wage, employers may be deterred from hiring more employees as they will have to pay them the mandated wage.

Second, some argue that setting a minimum wage does not necessarily guarantee a living wage for employees. Many people in the UK are still paid less than the mandated minimum wage, and this can lead to exploitation of workers.

Third, setting a minimum wage can make it more difficult for small businesses and start-ups to stay competitive in their markets. Small businesses and start-ups often operate on tighter budgets and must adjust their wage structure accordingly. As such, they may struggle to keep up with the required wage in order to remain competitive.

Finally, when it comes to raising the minimum wage, it can lead to inflationary pressures. If the cost of labor increases too much, then employers may have to pass on the costs to consumers in the form of higher prices. This can lead to an increase in the cost of living and an overall decrease in purchasing power.

How can I ensure I am paid the minimum salary?

When seeking employment, it is important to make sure you are being paid the minimum salary for skilled workers in the UK. To do this, you should research the current rates and inquire as to whether the position you are applying for meets or exceeds these.

When negotiating your salary, it is essential that you provide evidence of your skills and experience, and reference other comparable positions within your industry. This will demonstrate your worth and help ensure you receive the appropriate wage.

You should also be aware of the relevant legislation in regard to the minimum wage, including the National Living Wage and Minimum Wage. These laws exist to protect employees from exploitation, and employers who fail to adhere to them can face prosecution.

Finally, you should keep copies of any pay documents such as payslips or contracts to ensure that you are receiving the correct wage. You should check these regularly and raise any issues or discrepancies with your employer. If any payments are withheld or unpaid, you should contact HMRC immediately.

Future of UK Minimum salary for Skilled Worker

The future of the UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers is uncertain, as it will depend on a variety of factors including government policies, economic conditions, and changes to the labor market. Some possible scenarios for the future of the policy include:

  1.  Increased minimum salary thresholds: The government may increase the minimum salary thresholds in response to pressure from certain sectors or to address concerns about immigration levels.

  2. Changes to visa categories: The government may introduce new visa categories or modify existing ones to better address the needs of the UK’s economy and society.

  3. International trade agreements: The UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers may be influenced by international trade agreements, particularly if they include provisions on immigration and labor mobility.
  4. Shift in political priorities: The future of the policy may also be influenced by changes in political priorities, particularly if there is a change in government or a shift in the balance of power in parliament.

Overall, the future of the UK’s minimum salary for skilled workers is difficult to predict, and will depend on a range of factors both within and outside the country’s control.


The UK has put in place a minimum salary requirement for the Skilled Worker Visa UK in order to ensure that immigrants are able to adequately support themselves and their families. The current minimum salary requirement is £25,600, but this amount can be adjusted depending on the job and the individual’s circumstances. It is important to remember that those who do not meet the minimum salary requirement are not eligible for the Skilled Worker Visa UK.

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CGM App is an end-to-end immigration app, designed to make immigration and global mobility seamless. It is designed specifically for expats, sponsoring companies, and immigration consultants, globally.

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