Overview of how to make friends during your gap year

A gap year can be the ideal opportunity to experience a new part of the world and make new friends while you’re at it! There are a variety of different ways to go about making friends and forming relationships in the UK that you could use to make the best of your gap year experience.

Start by Doing Your Research

The best way to start off is by doing your research. Take some time to learn about the area where you’ll be staying and the local culture. Doing so will help you to identify clubs and activities that appeal to your interests and make the chances of finding like-minded friends much higher.

Introduce Yourself

The people that you use your gap year to get to know will probably be completely new to you, so a great place to start is by introducing yourself. One way to make a good first impression is by saying hello and asking how their day is going. It also helps to break any initial awkwardness by breaking the ice with some small talk. You could use some witty humour, a kind gesture, or even just a casual smile to immediately get the conversation rolling.

Get Involved in Activities

Getting involved in activities is a great way to meet people who share the same interests. You may want to consider joining a sports team or club in your area. It’s also worth exploring new interests you may have. You could go on hikes, learn to paint or play a new instrument, or try out a dance class.

Online Communities

Don’t forget about online venues for socialising! Social media is a great place to make conversation and meet people. There are many online communities dedicated to helping people make friends, such as Meetup. Joining these sites can help you meet local people with similar interests.

Social Gatherings

Social gatherings like parties, dinners, and barbecues are also great ways to make friends. You may want to take some time to get to know the people around you before jumping into a big event. Taking a look at what local businesses and organisations are holding events is also a great way to network and get to know more people.


Volunteering can be an amazing way to get to know people and make new friends. Not only does it give you the opportunity to give back, but it also gives you the chance to build relationships with people from all walks of life. You could volunteer with local charities, teach English to refugees, or even take part in environmental projects.

Host a Gathering

If you’re feeling confident and want to really kick-start your social life during your gap year, why not host a gathering? You could even combine it with something you’re passionate about, such as a book club, an art class, or even an outdoor adventure. Whatever it is, it will give people a chance to get to know one another, making it the perfect occasion to build new relationships.

Stay Positive

Finally, don’t forget to stay positive. Making friends can take time and you may have some ups and downs along the way. But don’t forget to stay positive. Your perseverance will be rewarded with lifelong friendships and unforgettable experiences.



    • Q. What is the best way to make friends during a gap year in the UK?


    • A. To make friends during a gap year in the UK, the best thing to do is to start by doing your research, introduce yourself, get involved in activities, join online communities, attend social events, volunteer, and host gatherings.


    • Q. How long can it take to make friends while on a gap year?


    • A. Making friends while on a gap year can take some time, but it is possible to start making friends quickly. Being proactive and getting involved in activities and social gatherings is the best way to quickly make friends.


    • Q. Is it worth getting involved in activities to make friends?


    • A. Absolutely! Getting involved in activities is a great way to meet people who share the same interests. Joining a club or exploring a new interest are great ways to quickly make new friends.



Making friends and forming bonds during a gap year in the UK is an incredibly rewarding experience. Whether it be through getting involved in activities, attending social gatherings, volunteering, or even hosting your own gathering, there are a variety of different ways to go about making friends. Taking the time to do your research and exploring new interests previous to the start of your journey can help to make the process effortless. By staying positive and not giving up you’ll be sure to make meaningful connections and amazing memories during your gap year in the UK!

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