Global Mobility is an increasingly important concept in the business world, particularly in the UK. Companies are recognizing the need to adapt to changing global markets, and a key part of doing this is understanding how to move their personnel around the world for specific business purposes. As such, corporate global mobility has become a vital consideration for businesses operating in the UK. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what corporate global mobility is and how it works, as well as exploring the benefits and challenges associated with it.

What is Global Mobility

Corporate global mobility is the term used to refer to the transfer of employees from one country to another, either temporarily or permanently, for the purpose of conducting business. It is an important tool that enables companies to remain competitive in today’s global market, as well as gain access to new talent and resources. The process involves a variety of activities, including immigration and visa procedures, cultural adjustments, training and education, tax laws, and more. With corporate global mobility, employers are able to access different markets and develop global teams, while employees have the opportunity to expand their skills and experience by working abroad.

The objectives of corporate global mobility are varied and can range from developing international partnerships to finding new opportunities in different markets. Companies must take into account the various cultural and legal factors involved when transferring employees from one country to another.

Global Mobility Visas in the UK

The various types of corporate global mobility include:


Secondment is when an employee is transferred from their current job in one country to work in another. This is often done on a temporary basis, and is a great way for businesses to gain access to highly-skilled workers and increase their global reach.


This involves the recruitment of workers from overseas who are brought in to fill a new or existing role. The company must ensure that they comply with all immigration laws and regulations, and they should also provide appropriate support and training to their new employees.

Graduate Trainee Programs.

These are designed to give graduates the opportunity to gain international experience and learn new skills. Companies will typically offer a financial package and other incentives such as language classes and accommodation to attract the best talent.

Senior or Specialist Worker

This type of global mobility is generally aimed at highly-skilled individuals who have a specific set of qualifications, experience and skills. Companies must ensure that they have the correct paperwork and visas in place before recruiting for this type of position.

Service Supplier

Service suppliers provide specialist services on a contract basis, such as HR or IT. Companies must make sure that they understand the terms and conditions of any contracts they enter into with these service providers.

Global Mobility Services

Global mobility services are a great way to support corporate global mobility in the UK. These services can help employers to navigate the complexities of different immigration processes and ensure that their employees are compliant with regulations.

Global mobility services typically provide assistance in:
• obtaining a visa and work permits
• arranging accommodation
• getting medical insurance
• providing access to financial support
• managing tax and payroll administration
• offering language training
• providing cultural orientation services
• organizing relocation services
• obtaining residence and work permits
• facilitating employee repatriation
• coordinating travel arrangements.

These services help companies to better manage their international assignments and can provide a range of benefits including cost savings, improved employee well-being, greater compliance with immigration laws, and an enhanced global reputation.
Employers should be aware that there are several factors to consider when selecting a global mobility service provider. It is important to research and compare a range of providers to ensure you select the best one for your needs. You should consider factors such as the services offered, cost, experience, quality of service, and their ability to respond quickly to changes in regulations or other issues.

Global Business Mobility Secondment Worker

Secondment workers are employed by a company outside the UK, but come to work in the UK for a period of time. This kind of arrangement requires special permission from the UK Home Office, and the process of obtaining this permission is known as the Global Business Mobility Secondment Worker route.

To qualify for this type of assignment, workers must have been employed outside the UK for at least 12 months prior to their application, and must be sponsored by their home employer. They must also have an offer of employment from a UK-based employer and a valid Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS). The CoS will be provided by the UK employer who is sponsoring the worker.

The secondment worker can stay in the UK for up to five years, and will be paid by the home employer. They are not permitted to switch employers while in the UK. The cost of the CoS and the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) will be paid by the employer who is offering the job.

The secondment worker will be subject to immigration rules, which include restrictions on what kind of work they can do and how long they can stay in the UK. They will also need to pay taxes in the UK, depending on their status and income.

It is important for companies considering secondment workers to ensure that all processes and legal requirements are adhered to in order to remain compliant with UK immigration law. As the rules around global mobility are constantly changing, it is important for companies to keep up to date with these changes in order to ensure that their employees are working in a safe and legal environment.

Global Business Mobility Service Supplier

When it comes to corporate global mobility in the UK, it’s important to have a reliable and experienced global business mobility service supplier to help you with the necessary paperwork, visa application processes, and other legal matters. A reputable global business mobility service supplier should provide you with a full suite of services to ensure that all of your international employee relocation needs are met.

The services offered by a global business mobility service supplier typically include pre-departure assistance and orientation; immigration processing and visa applications; housing search and selection; cultural and language training; post-arrival support services such as tax advice, currency conversion, and health insurance; workplace assessment; and more.

The best global business mobility service suppliers will have an extensive network of qualified professionals across the world that can offer support and advice to make sure your relocation runs smoothly. They will also be able to provide you with the most cost-effective solutions for your particular situation. In addition, they can help you understand the cultural differences between countries, including any legal or language barriers that you may face.

Ultimately, finding the right global business mobility service supplier for your company is essential to ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your corporate global mobility needs. Make sure you take the time to research your options and compare them against one another before making a decision.

Global Business Mobility UK Expansion Worker

A Global Business Mobility UK Expansion Worker is someone who is employed by an overseas employer who wishes to expand their business into the United Kingdom. They are recruited from outside of the UK to work in a new business set-up in the UK, either for an existing employer or a newly established company.

The Global Business Mobility UK Expansion Worker will often be responsible for the establishment of new operations and the development of a business plan, as well as the recruitment of other staff members. They will also be responsible for training and supervising those staff members. It is important that they have a good understanding of UK business law, corporate governance, and market conditions.

In order to be eligible for this type of visa, the applicant must be sponsored by the UK business. They must also demonstrate that they have the skills and experience necessary to fulfil the job role. The applicant will need to provide evidence of qualifications and experience in their field, as well as proof that they can provide for themselves financially.

The length of time that this visa allows you to stay in the UK depends on the nature of your role. However, it usually ranges from 6-12 months. You may need to apply for an extension to remain longer.
If you are successful in your application, you will need to pay a healthcare surcharge. This payment covers any costs that may arise due to medical treatment while you are in the UK. You will also need to provide a certificate of sponsorship, which states that you have been recruited by a UK employer.

It is important to remember that all Global Business Mobility UK Expansion Workers must comply with the rules and regulations of their visa category, as well as all UK employment laws. Failure to do so could lead to deportation. It is essential that you understand all of the requirements and processes before applying for this type of visa.

Global Business Mobility Graduate Trainee

A Global Business Mobility Graduate Trainee is a type of corporate global mobility that allows employers to send employees on assignments abroad. It allows companies to bring in talent from all over the world and have them work in the UK. This type of assignment allows companies to gain valuable skills and knowledge while ensuring they are compliant with immigration and visa requirements.

To qualify for this type of assignment, you must have graduated from an accredited higher education institution within the past three years and be sponsored by your employer. You will also need to provide evidence of your studies, including official transcripts and diplomas, along with a valid passport.
Your employer will be responsible for obtaining a Certificate of Sponsorship for you, which is the legal permission for you to work in the UK. They will also need to submit an application for a Tier 2 (General) visa on your behalf, as well as paying the healthcare surcharge if applicable.

The length of your assignment in the UK will depend on the agreement between you and your employer. However, most graduate trainee programs last between 1-2 years. During this time, you should receive a salary that is comparable to other employees in similar roles in the UK, plus additional benefits such as pension contributions and medical insurance.

Your employer will also need to ensure that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during the course of your assignment. They may provide additional benefits such as housing assistance, or reimbursements for relocation costs.

As a Global Business Mobility Graduate Trainee, there are a number of restrictions on what you can do in the UK. You will not be able to work for another employer during your assignment, nor can you change the type of work you do without permission from the Home Office. You will also need to keep up with your studies and stay in contact with your educational institution during your assignment in the UK.

Global Business Mobility Graduate Trainees play an important role in helping companies meet their international recruitment goals, while gaining valuable experience and skills. With the right preparation and support, this type of corporate global mobility can be extremely beneficial for both employers and employees.

Global Business Mobility Senior or Specialist Worker

If you are an experienced employee with specific skills and knowledge in a particular field, then you may be eligible to apply as a Global Business Mobility Senior or Specialist Worker. This category of worker allows employers to transfer senior or specialist staff members to the UK for the purpose of taking up employment in their UK-based subsidiary or associated undertaking.

To qualify as a Global Business Mobility Senior or Specialist Worker, you must:

• Have at least five years of relevant experience in the field that you wish to work in;
• Have been recruited from outside the UK by an overseas employer to take up employment in the UK;
• Have an offer of appropriate employment from an employer based in the UK; and
• Meet the salary requirements for this category of worker.

When applying for a certificate of sponsorship for Global Business Mobility Senior or Specialist Workers, you will need to provide evidence that you have the necessary qualifications, training, and/or experience for the job, as well as proof of your current salary.

You can stay in the UK for a maximum period of three years and four months under this category of worker. In addition, you can also extend your stay if your employer provides evidence that you are still needed in the role, as long as you have not already exceeded the maximum period allowed.

As with any other type of visa application, there are fees associated with your application, including the immigration health surcharge. You should also consider other factors such as any cultural differences that may arise when you move to the UK, and make sure that you have sufficient funds available to cover your living costs while in the UK.

Finally, if you are successful in obtaining a visa as a Global Business Mobility Senior or Specialist Worker, you will need to ensure that your employer has taken into account all the relevant legal requirements before employing you in the UK.

The Process of Corporate Global Mobility in the UK

The process of corporate global mobility in the UK involves a number of steps that need to be taken in order to ensure the successful relocation of an employee from their home country to the UK. The main stages of this process are as follows:

  1. Immigration and visa requirements – Depending on the individual’s nationality and current status, different immigration and visa requirements will apply. It is important to understand these regulations and to make sure that all necessary documents are submitted to the Home Office for approval.
  2. Planning the assignment – This includes defining the job role, deciding on salary and benefits, and making any necessary arrangements for accommodation, transportation, and language training.
  3. Finding a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) – Employers must obtain a CoS from the Home Office in order to employ non-EU citizens in the UK. This document is valid for 12 months and must be renewed once it has expired.
  4. Supporting the employee and their family – It is important to provide support to the employee and their family during the relocation process, such as helping them settle into their new home, finding a school for any children they have, and providing cultural awareness training.
  5. Executing the assignment – Once all the above stages have been completed, the relocation can be executed and the employee can begin their role in the UK.
  6. Monitoring the progress of the assignment – Companies should monitor the progress of the assignment regularly in order to ensure that the employee is settling in and adjusting to their new job and environment.
  7. Repatriation – At the end of the assignment, employers should arrange for repatriation back to their home country or another destination of their choice.
    By following these steps, companies can ensure that their global mobility program is successful and runs smoothly.

Eligibility requirements

In order to be eligible for corporate global mobility in the UK, you must meet certain requirements. This includes being able to prove that you are either a business visitor, an international assignee, or an intra-company transfer. You will also need to show that you have the right to work in the UK.

Business visitors must be entering the UK for a short period of time (usually no more than 6 months) and are not allowed to take up employment or provide services to a UK company during this period.
International assignees must demonstrate that their relocation is part of a planned international assignment and must provide proof of their employment abroad prior to the move. They must also show that they are able to support themselves financially without recourse to public funds.

Intra-company transfers must demonstrate that they have worked abroad for the same employer for at least 12 months prior to the transfer and that their new role in the UK is related to their previous job. They must also be paid an appropriate salary in accordance with the rules of the sponsoring employer.
In addition to these basic requirements, there are a number of other criteria which must be met in order to be eligible for corporate global mobility in the UK. These include:

  1. Money to support yourself – you must be able to demonstrate that you have enough money to support yourself without having to rely on public funds.
  2. Healthcare surcharge – you may be required to pay a healthcare surcharge as part of your visa application.
  3. Getting a certificate of sponsorship – you must obtain a certificate of sponsorship from your employer which confirms your eligibility for working in the UK.
  4. What you can and cannot do – you must understand and comply with the restrictions that apply to corporate global mobility workers, such as not being able to take up permanent residence or undertake any activities which are not related to the purpose of your visit.

By understanding and meeting these eligibility requirements, you can ensure that you are able to successfully obtain corporate global mobility in the UK.

Check if your job is eligible

When applying for corporate global mobility in the UK, it is important to check if your job is eligible. To be eligible, the job must meet certain criteria. These criteria are outlined by the UK government and are regularly updated. Generally, your job must meet the following requirements:

• The job must be a full-time role, paid at least £30,000 a year or its equivalent in another currency.

• The job must involve providing skilled work for a UK based company.

• The job must be in an occupation that is on the shortage occupation list. This list changes regularly, so it’s important to check before you apply.

• You must have a valid certificate of sponsorship from the company you will be working for in the UK.

• You must pass the point-based system (PBS) assessment, which is an immigration test to show that you have sufficient qualifications and experience for the role.

It is important to ensure that your job is eligible before applying for corporate global mobility in the UK. By meeting these criteria, you can make sure that your application has the best chance of being approved.

Salary requirements

When considering corporate global mobility in the UK, salary requirements should be taken into account. It is important for employers to ensure that the salary for any overseas employees meets the minimum income threshold set out by UK Visas & Immigration. For example, employers are required to ensure that any workers from outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) have a minimum annual salary of at least £20,800 or the appropriate rate for the job they are doing, whichever is higher. This is to help ensure that these workers will not become a burden on the public purse.

In addition to this, employers should also bear in mind that some overseas employees may be subject to different tax and social security regulations than those who are employed within the UK. In order to avoid any problems with compliance, it is important for employers to make sure that all overseas employees understand their obligations and receive appropriate compensation for any additional costs that may be incurred. Employers may also need to provide support in helping employees obtain the necessary visas and permits to work in the UK.

How long you can stay in the UK

The length of time that you can stay in the UK depends on the type of global mobility program you are entering. If you are coming to the UK as a business secondment worker, for example, you may be allowed to stay for up to five years. If you are coming as a global business mobility service supplier, you can stay for up to three years.

If you are coming to the UK as a graduate trainee or specialist worker, you may be allowed to stay for up to two years. You may also be eligible to apply for an extension if you can demonstrate that your skills are in demand in the UK and that you will be able to find suitable employment once your current assignment is completed.

You must also consider your immigration and visa requirements before making a decision about how long you can stay in the UK. Depending on your nationality, you may need to apply for a different type of visa and provide additional documents when making an application for global mobility. Additionally, some countries have reciprocal agreements with the UK which may allow for longer stays. It is important to be aware of all of your options before making a decision about how long you can stay in the UK.

How long you need to have worked for your employer outside the UK

When applying for a corporate global mobility scheme in the UK, you need to have worked for your employer outside the UK for at least 12 months prior to your application. This will demonstrate that you are an experienced worker, making you a desirable candidate to the UK Home Office. If you have worked for your employer for less than 12 months, you may still be eligible for a visa, but you will be required to prove that you are a highly skilled individual and that your position is in shortage in the UK.

It is important to understand the requirements of each visa category, as these vary from country to country. Your employer should provide you with detailed information about the requirements that apply to you and your position. Furthermore, if your role requires you to have a qualification, you will also need to demonstrate that you have obtained this before making your application.

In addition, if you are applying for a Skilled Worker visa, your employer will need to be able to show that they have a genuine vacancy in their business and that they cannot fill it with any existing staff in the UK. It is also important to note that employers can only sponsor you if they have been given a licence by the Home Office.

Finally, it is worth noting that there is no guarantee that your application will be successful, as each case is assessed on its individual merits. In order to improve your chances of success, it is important to ensure that all the required documents are completed accurately and submitted on time.

CGM is a corporate immigration application for expats, sponsoring companies and business immigration advisors. Feel free to contact us on 0300 000 000 or send us an email if you have any questions. 

How to apply

Applying for corporate global mobility in the UK is not an easy process. It requires careful preparation and understanding of the regulations, as well as a successful application. The first step is to ensure that you are eligible by meeting all of the criteria required by the UK Government. This includes having a valid work permit, being over 18 years old, and having been employed outside the UK for at least one year.

Once you have established your eligibility, you must obtain a Certificate of Sponsorship from your employer. This document will serve as evidence that they are willing to sponsor your stay in the UK. You may need to provide further documents to prove that you meet the UK’s immigration requirements. These may include proof of your qualifications and experience, a valid passport, and any other necessary documents.

Once you have all of the required documentation in order, you can apply for a visa or permit to stay in the UK. Depending on the type of visa or permit you are applying for, you may need to pay a fee as well as provide additional documents. You may also need to attend an interview with a UK official.
If your application is successful, you will receive a decision and be able to plan your assignment accordingly. It is important to remember that corporate global mobility requires careful planning and execution, so it is important to take into account all the associated costs, such as accommodation and transport, when planning your stay in the UK.

How much it costs

The cost of corporate global mobility in the UK depends on a variety of factors, including the type of assignment, duration of stay and destination. There are several costs associated with corporate global mobility that must be taken into account when planning and budgeting for a successful assignment.

The first cost is the salary of the assignee. The salary must be at least the prevailing rate for the occupation in the UK and should reflect the type of work being performed. This may involve increased costs if the assignee is highly skilled or specialised.

In addition, companies must consider the cost of accommodations, transportation, and other services necessary to support the assignee during their stay. Companies must also ensure that their assignee is able to obtain visas and other documents to legally remain in the UK during their assignment. This often involves additional costs.

Finally, companies must consider any taxes or other costs associated with repatriation. Depending on the jurisdiction of origin, repatriation may involve repatriation tax, foreign exchange risk, and other costs. Companies must plan ahead to ensure that all costs associated with repatriation are accounted for.

How long it takes

The process of corporate global mobility in the UK can take several weeks or months to complete. The time it takes for the application to be processed and approved depends on a number of factors, including the employee’s eligibility, the type of role, and any specific criteria for the position.

It is important to note that, as part of the application process, the employee must have all of their documents ready and in order before they apply. This includes all required certificates, such as a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) from their employer. The CoS is issued by the Home Office and it must be approved before the application can be processed.

Once the application has been received and all of the necessary documents are in order, the Home Office will review the application and make a decision on whether or not to grant permission for the employee to work in the UK. This process usually takes around 8-10 weeks but can vary depending on the individual circumstances.

In some cases, the Home Office may require additional information or evidence before a decision can be made. If this is the case, the Home Office will contact the employer to explain what is needed and what additional evidence must be provided before a decision can be made.
Once a decision is made, the employee will receive a confirmation letter from the Home Office outlining their permission to work in the UK.

It is important to plan ahead and make sure that you allow enough time for the entire process, including any additional information or evidence that may be required.

Getting a decision

Once all the necessary documents have been submitted, the UK Visas and Immigration department will review the application. After a thorough review of the submitted information and documents, the department will make a decision on the application for corporate global mobility. Depending on the type of visa or permission to stay that is being applied for, there may be further checks and interviews.

If a visa or permission to stay is granted, the individual will receive a letter of approval from the UK Visas and Immigration department which will contain details of what they are allowed to do in the UK and how long they can stay. They may also receive a Biometric Residence Permit, which they must keep with them while they are in the UK.

If an application is refused, the individual can appeal against the decision by submitting a formal appeal to the UK Visas and Immigration department. It is important to seek professional advice before making an appeal as there is a time limit within which it must be made.

What you can and cannot do

Once you’ve been approved for corporate global mobility, there are certain restrictions on what you can and cannot do in the UK.

What you can do:

You can work in the UK for up to five years for your employer if you’ve been granted corporate global mobility. You can also travel in and out of the UK for business purposes as needed. If you’re a UK citizen, you’re allowed to bring your spouse and dependents to live with you in the UK.

What you can’t do:

While on corporate global mobility, you cannot become a permanent resident of the UK, nor can you apply for benefits or social housing. You must leave the UK after five years unless you apply for an extension. You are also not allowed to work in any other job while on corporate global mobility or work for another company in the same industry as your employer in the UK.

CGM is a corporate immigration application for expats, sponsoring companies and business immigration advisors. Feel free to contact us on 0300 000 000 or send us an email if you have any questions. 

Getting a certificate of sponsorship

When applying for corporate global mobility in the UK, one of the requirements is to obtain a Certificate of Sponsorship (COS). This document is issued by the UK Visas and Immigration department and serves as evidence that you have the support of your employer.

The Certificate of Sponsorship must be approved before you can apply for your visa, and there are certain criteria that must be met. Your employer will need to provide details about your job, salary, work history, and other relevant information.

In order to obtain the Certificate of Sponsorship, your employer will need to register with the UK Home Office as a licensed sponsor. This process involves providing detailed information about the company and its purpose, as well as any other required documents. Once your employer is registered, they can then assign you a unique Certificate of Sponsorship number which you will need when applying for your visa.
The Certificate of Sponsorship should include:

• Your name
• Your date of birth
• Your nationality
• The job title
• A valid certificate of sponsorship number
• The start date of the job
• The end date of the job (if applicable)
• The salary offered

• Confirmation that the job meets the minimum requirements set out by the UKVI
Your employer must also confirm that they will provide you with accommodation, medical insurance and enough money to support you during your stay in the UK. This will be specified on the Certificate of Sponsorship.

Your employer should keep a copy of the Certificate of Sponsorship and provide you with a copy for your records. This will be needed when you submit your visa application. It’s important to make sure that all the information on the Certificate of Sponsorship is correct before you submit your application, as any inaccuracies could delay the process or result in your visa being refused.

Healthcare surcharge

The healthcare surcharge is a fee that non-EEA (European Economic Area) nationals must pay when applying for a visa to come to the UK. This is to help cover the costs of the National Health Service (NHS). The surcharge is paid when you submit your visa application, and will be calculated based on the length of your stay in the UK. If your stay is for more than 6 months, you will be required to pay the surcharge for every 12 months that you are in the UK.

The healthcare surcharge for employees on corporate global mobility assignments will vary depending on the visa type, duration of the assignment and nationality. It is important to note that although employers can choose to reimburse the cost of the surcharge, they are not obliged to do so.

When applying for a visa to come to the UK, the applicant must ensure that they provide evidence of payment of the healthcare surcharge at the time of submitting their visa application. If you fail to pay this fee, your visa application may be refused.

For more detailed information regarding the healthcare surcharge, please refer to the UK Visas and Immigration website.

Money to support yourself

When considering corporate global mobility in the UK, it is important to ensure you have the funds necessary to support yourself. You should ensure you have enough money to cover your day-to-day living costs and other expenses such as accommodation, travel and any visa application fees.

You may need to prove that you have sufficient funds when applying for a visa, and must also be able to show you can pay your healthcare surcharge. It’s important to make sure you understand the exact amount of money you need, as this could vary depending on your circumstances.

You should also be aware of any relevant tax implications that may occur in both your home country and the UK. Depending on your salary and the country you are moving from, you may be subject to double taxation. There are several allowances available for people coming to work in the UK that can help minimise the amount of tax you pay.

It is always recommended that you seek specialist advice from an accountant or financial advisor before making any big decisions. This will help ensure that you are well informed and can make the most out of your global mobility experience.

Documents you’ll need to apply

When applying for corporate global mobility in the UK, you must ensure that you have all the necessary documents and paperwork to support your application. These will include:

  1. A valid passport: You must have a valid passport that is issued by the country of origin and shows your identity and nationality.
  2. Job contract: This should include a full description of the duties of your job, along with any salary details.
  3. Certificate of sponsorship: This document needs to be provided by your employer and is needed to prove that they have hired you to work in the UK.
  4. Immigration status: If you are from outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), you will need to provide proof that you meet the requirements for coming to the UK to work.
  5. Proof of qualifications: If your job requires certain qualifications or experience, then you will need to show evidence of this.
  6. Medical insurance: You will need to provide proof of medical insurance for the duration of your stay in the UK.
  7. Bank statements: You must be able to demonstrate that you have enough funds to cover your living costs during your stay in the UK.
  8. Criminal record check: Depending on the type of job you are doing, you may need to provide a criminal record check to prove that you have no convictions.
  9. Any other documents required by the Home Office: These could include proof of language skills, educational certificates, letters of reference, and more.

Other documents you might need

When relocating to the UK as part of a corporate global mobility program, there are a few other documents that may be necessary. These may include:

• Copies of your passport and visa
• Evidence of the end date of your employment overseas
• A copy of your educational qualifications
• Proof of any professional licenses or certifications you possess
• Copies of any criminal record checks
• Copies of medical or health insurance policies
• Copies of property leases or rental agreements
• Evidence of financial support for you and your family during your stay in the UK
• Copies of letters from employers or government agencies verifying your employment
• Reference letters from former employers
• Copies of utility bills, bank statements, and/or other financial documents
• Copies of marriage and/or birth certificates
• Copies of any other relevant documentation

These documents will help to support your application and prove to the Home Office that you meet all of the eligibility requirements for a corporate global mobility program in the UK.

Planning the assignment

When planning an employee’s global mobility assignment, it is important to consider all aspects of the move. This includes the employee’s visa and immigration requirements, salary and tax obligations, cultural differences, and repatriation policies.

The first step is to identify the employee’s eligibility for a visa and/or residence permit. This process varies depending on the country of origin and destination, so it is important to research applicable rules and regulations in order to ensure compliance.

The second step is to determine the employee’s salary and tax obligations in the host country. This includes understanding local payroll tax laws and withholding requirements. It is also important to consider the tax implications for the employee when repatriating at the end of the assignment.

The third step is to consider any cultural differences between the host country and home country. It is important to understand the different norms, values, and customs to ensure a smooth transition for the employee and their family.

The fourth step is to establish a repatriation policy. This involves understanding the employee’s rights to benefits when returning home, such as pension rights, housing allowances, and career prospects.

Finally, it is important to develop a comprehensive global mobility policy that outlines all aspects of the move, from visas and immigration requirements to repatriation policies. This will ensure that both the company and employee are aware of all the responsibilities involved in making a successful move.

Execution of the assignment

When it comes to corporate global mobility, the execution of the assignment is key to success. When employees are sent abroad, they must have the right knowledge and resources to ensure they are able to complete their tasks. It is essential that employers provide detailed and accurate information about their host country, its culture, laws and regulations. This will allow employees to make informed decisions and act accordingly.

The employer should also provide their employees with all the necessary support needed for the successful completion of their assignments. This includes helping them to find suitable accommodation, transport and any other amenities they may need. Employers should also provide a comprehensive package of benefits such as health care, life insurance, salary packages and relocation allowances.

Employees should also be made aware of any tax implications that may arise from working abroad and how these will affect their income. Employers should also consider ways in which they can help their employees adjust to a new culture and environment, such as language classes or cultural training sessions.

Return and Repatriation

Return and repatriation are key aspects of corporate global mobility in the UK. This process requires careful consideration of the employee’s situation, as well as a thorough understanding of the rules and regulations of their destination country.

Returning home after completing a global assignment is often difficult for employees, who may have experienced culture shock, language barriers, and differences in work culture. It is important for employers to consider how they will support employees returning from a global assignment. Employers should provide support for the reintegration of their employee into their role back home.

When it comes to repatriation, employers must ensure that their repatriated employees are not disadvantaged by their experience abroad. Employers should provide clear information about how the employee can transition back into their role and their career trajectory at the company. Employers should also make sure that their repatriated employees are not subjected to any discrimination.

Employers must also consider what measures they will take to make sure that the repatriated employee has an easy transition back home. This could include providing assistance with obtaining visas and other immigration requirements, offering language classes, and arranging psychological counseling. Additionally, employers should ensure that the employee is provided with cultural training prior to the start of their assignment.

By taking into consideration the various aspects of return and repatriation, employers can create an effective corporate global mobility program that provides successful outcomes for both the employee and the company.


Challenges of corporate global mobility

One of the biggest challenges facing organizations that implement global mobility programs is the cultural differences and cultural shock experienced by employees who move to a new country. Employees may find it difficult to adjust to a new culture, language, customs and even work environment. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and can negatively affect morale.

Other challenges of global mobility include the cost of the program, immigration and visa requirements, tax implications, the need for a robust global mobility policy, and the potential for costly compliance errors. In addition, companies must consider the complexities of repatriation and the need to provide support for the employee and their family during the transition process.

Organizations should also carefully consider how they measure the success of their global mobility program and develop a plan to address any issues that arise. This requires careful planning and research, as well as the input of professionals who specialize in this field. It is also important to ensure that all participants receive appropriate training and support before, during, and after their assignment.

Companies should have an understanding of the current trends in corporate global mobility and be prepared to adapt their program to meet those changes. This will ensure that they are able to maintain their competitive edge in the global economy.


Support for the Employee and their Family

One of the most important elements of a successful corporate global mobility program is providing support for the employee and their family. This includes helping them adjust to a new country, language, culture, and lifestyle. It’s also important to help the employee understand the tax implications of their move and to provide assistance with healthcare, education, and other services for their family members.

It’s important for companies to ensure that the employee and their family are adequately supported before, during, and after the move. To this end, many companies provide relocation packages or offer counseling services to help employees and their families adjust to the new environment. Companies may also offer cultural training to prepare employees and their families for life in a new country. Furthermore, they should provide information on healthcare, education, and employment opportunities in the new location.

Employers should also be aware of any legal requirements that may apply when sending an employee overseas. They should make sure that employees have the necessary visas and other documents required for travel and ensure that their employees’ rights are protected at all times. By taking the time to ensure that their employees are adequately supported and informed, companies can reduce the stress associated with a global relocation.

Developing a Global Mobility Policy

Creating a successful global mobility policy requires careful consideration of the challenges, risks and opportunities for your business. Developing a global mobility policy helps to ensure that the right people are in the right place at the right time, and also helps protect the business from potential liabilities. A comprehensive global mobility policy should include clear guidance on the expectations of the company and employee during the mobility period, such as salary, taxes, allowances and repatriation policies. It should also outline the process and criteria used to evaluate relocation requests and transfers.

When developing a global mobility policy, there are several key elements to consider:

• Define the purpose of your global mobility policy: Identify why you need this policy and what it should accomplish.
• Establish eligibility criteria: Decide who is eligible for global mobility and under what circumstances.
• Consider budget limitations: Establish maximum limits for relocation expenses and salary adjustments.
• Determine benefits and taxes: Set out the rules regarding taxation, foreign benefits, health insurance and other allowances.
• Outline the transfer process: Describe how the selection process works, how applicants are informed about their eligibility, and the timeline for relocations.
• Set out repatriation guidelines: Describe how employees will be supported if they need to return home after the assignment is complete.
• Establish an international compensation plan: Decide on the appropriate salary level and determine how to adjust salaries to accommodate local cost of living differences.

When creating a global mobility policy, it’s important to remember that your policy should be adaptable to changing circumstances. The policy should be updated regularly as laws, regulations, and other factors change over time. Additionally, remember to train all relevant personnel in the policy so that everyone understands the expectations, process, and consequences of participating in a global mobility program.

Lastly, review your policy regularly to ensure it meets the needs of your business and its employees.

Choosing a Global Mobility Provider

When looking to implement a successful global mobility program, it is essential to choose the right provider. As the company’s representative in the countries you are operating in, the provider needs to ensure compliance with local regulations, provide adequate support and assistance to expatriates and their families, and have a detailed knowledge of immigration, tax, and payroll requirements.

When selecting a provider, there are several factors to consider. First, determine if you need an international mobility specialist or if a local provider can handle the process. International specialists may have a more comprehensive understanding of global mobility issues than local providers. They may also have access to additional resources such as immigration consultants or specialist tax advisors.

In addition to technical capability, consider the provider’s capacity for delivering quality service. Check their references and ask for feedback from previous clients to make sure that they have successfully managed similar programs in the past. Make sure that the provider has a strong relationship with the local governments and understands the rules and regulations of the countries you are operating in. Ensure that your provider can provide flexible solutions that meet your specific needs.

It is also important to look into the financial aspect of the agreement. Ensure that there are no hidden costs and that all fees are clearly stated in the contract. It is also worth considering whether the provider offers additional services such as risk management, recruitment, employee orientation or training programmes.

By choosing the right provider, you can ensure that your global mobility program runs smoothly and meets all of your objectives. Taking time to research potential providers and select one that fits your business needs can save you time and money in the long run.

Ensuring compliance with regulations

Compliance with regulations is essential when it comes to corporate global mobility in the UK. Companies must comply with the UK’s immigration and labour laws as well as any applicable international regulations. This is especially important if the company has global operations in other countries.

In order to ensure compliance, companies should have an understanding of the relevant regulations, including those relating to visas, work permits and taxation. It is also important to understand any requirements for the posting of workers and their families, such as obtaining a certificate of sponsorship or proving a minimum salary level. Companies should also consider health and safety requirements and the need for adequate insurance cover for employees who are travelling abroad on assignment.

Companies should also be aware of any changes to local regulations and keep up to date with any new requirements, particularly if they are making any significant changes to their global mobility policies. Additionally, employers must ensure that all appropriate documents are in place before an employee can begin their assignment and make sure they are kept up to date throughout the duration of the assignment.

By understanding and adhering to the necessary regulations, companies can avoid potential complications or legal issues down the line. They can also ensure that their global mobility program is successful and that their employees are able to enjoy a safe and rewarding experience.

Measuring the Success of the Global Mobility Program

When considering corporate global mobility, it is important to have metrics and KPIs in place to track the success of the program. This can help the business assess how well they are performing and if they are meeting their objectives. There are several key performance indicators that can be used to measure the success of a global mobility program, including the total number of employees transferred, the average duration of assignment, and the average cost per transfer.

Other metrics to consider include employee satisfaction ratings, retention rates, job performance levels, cultural assimilation, and repatriation outcomes. Companies should also look at how efficiently they are operating, as well as their compliance with relevant immigration laws.

It is also important to assess the impact of the program on an organization’s bottom line. Companies should track the cost-effectiveness of their global mobility efforts and calculate the return on investment for each transfer. Additionally, organizations should assess whether their global mobility program is achieving its intended goals, such as boosting business efficiency or reducing staff costs.

By carefully monitoring the success of their global mobility program, companies can ensure that it is delivering value and helping to meet their long-term business objectives. By making adjustments and improvements to their global mobility strategies, companies can ensure that their program is tailored to their specific needs and objectives.


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