Studying abroad can be an enriching and exciting experience, and while it has many advantages, being away from one’s home and family can also pose some challenges. This article seeks to discuss ways to find the care and support of a support system while studying in the UK. We’ll talk about the different methods and resources available to help students create the support system they need while away from home.

Preparing to Find a Support System Before Moving

The best time to start looking for a support system is before even moving to the UK. There are several steps one can take to begin the process:

    • Start researching online. Look for details about UK universities, student forums, and online support networks.
    • Reach out to UK universities’ international student offices and ask about their support services.
    • Look for community groups for international students, like clubs or student associations.
    • Reach out to other international students who will be attending the same university and make plans to get together when they arrive.
    • Join social networks and communities like Facebook, Instagram, and other forums to find other students who are studying abroad.

Getting to Know the UK

When seeking out a support system, it’s important to get to know the UK. The British culture and lifestyle can be different from other countries, and it can be helpful to research the country in advance to make sure that one will be ready to get the most out of their experience. Here are some tips on getting to know the UK:

    • Read up on the culture of the UK, from customs to etiquette.
    • Learn about the regional accents and dialects.
    • Find out about the major cities and other places in the UK.
    • Look for popular local foods and places to visit.
    • Familiarise oneself with the currency and payment methods.
    • Research popular UK universities and their associated campuses.


Making Connections in the UK

Once one arrives in the UK, it’s important to start networking and building a support system. Here are some tips for connecting with people:

    • Join the international student club at the university or other social clubs and activities.
    • Start attending events and cultural activities.
    • Attend meetups for local and international students in the area.
    • Join online forums and communities for international students.
    • Use social media and reach out to friends of friends.
    • Participate in local activities like language exchanges, meetups, or clubbing.

Finding Resources for Emotional Support and Mental Wellness While Abroad

Support systems provide emotional and mental health resources while away from home. Here are some options for finding emotional and mental health support while studying in the UK:

    • Look for religious or spiritual groups in the area.
    • Look for counseling services or mental health support programs at the university or in the local area.
    • Look for programs for helping international students adjust to a new culture.
    • Look for support groups related to one’s home country.
    • Get in touch with veterinary or pet therapy services.
    • Consult a therapist online or face-to-face.

Creating a Support System

Once one begins making connections, it’s time to start building a support system. It’s important to find the right people and create a network of individuals who can depend on each other. Here are some tips to help build a support system while studying abroad in the UK:

    • Be open to meeting people. Get out of one’s comfort zone and don’t shy away from engaging in conversations with strangers.
    • Be patient with new relationships. It can take time to find the right people.
    • Look for people that one can trust, depend on, and share experiences with.
    • Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice.
    • Look for opportunities to give to others and help out in any way one can.
    • Volunteer in one’s local community.

Finding Resources for Financial Support

Studying abroad can be expensive, so it’s important to find resources that can help with the costs. Here are some tips for finding financial resources for studying in the UK:

  • Look for scholarships and grants specifically designed for international students studying in the UK.
  • Look for student discounts on services and products.
  • Look for part-time jobs and internships.
  • Find work-study programs in the UK.
  • Look for companies which offer tuition reimbursement plans.
  • Reach out to crowdfunding platforms.
  • Start a blog or monetise an existing blog to bring in income.


    • What is a support system?A support system is a network of individuals who offer care and support for one another, both emotionally and practically.
    • Where can I find a support system while studying in the UK?There are a variety of resources available to help you find a support system while studying in the UK. You can start by researching online and looking for international student organizations, community groups, and social networks. You can also get to know the UK and look for opportunities to get involved in the local community.
    • What are some resources for emotional and mental health support while studying abroad?There are a few resources available for emotional and mental health support while studying abroad. You can look for counseling services or mental health support programs at the university or local area. You can also look for religious or spiritual groups and support networks related to one’s home country. Additionally, you can look for online counseling and pet therapy services.
    • What are some resources for financial support while studying in the UK?There are a few resources available for financial support while studying in the UK. You can look for scholarships and grants specifically designed for international students studying in the UK. Additionally, you can look for part-time jobs, internships, and work-study programs. You can also look for student discounts, tuition reimbursement plans, and crowdfunding platforms.



Creating a support system is important when studying abroad in the UK. Researching online, getting to know the UK, and making connections in the area can help one find the care and support system they need. Additionally, there are resources for emotional and mental health support and for financial support. By taking the time to research and create a support system beforehand, a student will be able to make the most of their experience abroad.

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