What is pro rata salary?

Pro rata salary is the amount of money earned by an employee on a part-time or hourly basis. It is calculated by dividing the total salary for a full-time job into equal portions based on the number of hours worked by the part-time or hourly employee. It is also known as prorated salary or pro-rated salary.

Pro rata salary is different from regular salary in that it is based on the amount of hours worked rather than the full-time equivalent. For example, if an employee works 20 hours per week, they will receive only a portion of the total salary for a full-time job (40 hours per week). This means that their pro rata salary is only half of what someone working 40 hours per week would receive.

Pro rata salary is used when an employee’s hours are not fixed and vary from week to week or month to month. It is also used when an employee is on a part-time contract or working on an hourly rate. In these cases, the employer will calculate the employee’s pay each period according to the number of hours they worked.

How To Work Out Your Pro Rata Salary

Working out your pro-rata salary can be a tricky process, but with the right information and calculations, it can be made easier. Here’s how to calculate it:

Determining the Total Salary

The first step to calculating your pro rata salary is to determine the total salary for the job you’re taking. This should be listed in the job description or contract and is usually expressed as an annual amount. If you’re working part-time, this will be the salary that you would receive if you worked full-time in the same role.

Determining the Length of Employment

Once you have determined the total salary, you need to determine the length of employment. This refers to the length of time you will be working in this role. It could be anything from a few weeks to several years, depending on your job. Knowing how long you will be employed is essential for calculating your pro-rata salary.

Dividing the Total Salary by the Length of Employment

Now that you know the total salary and the length of employment, you can divide the total salary by the length of employment. This will give you a figure for your hourly rate, which is the basis for calculating your pro-rata salary. 

Multiplying the Result by the Length of Time Worked

Once you have divided the total salary by the length of employment, you need to multiply this figure by the length of time you have actually worked. This will give you your pro-rata salary for that period of employment. 

For example, if your annual salary was £20,000 and you worked part-time for 6 months, then your hourly rate would be £10 per hour (20,000/12). You would then multiply that figure by 6 (the number of months worked) to get your pro rata salary of £60,000. 

It’s important to remember that pro rata salaries are calculated based on how long an employee has worked during a certain period, so they may not always reflect the exact amount they are entitled to. It’s therefore important to check with your employer to ensure that your pro-rata salary is accurate and fair.

What Is The Difference Between Pro Rata And Per Annum?

When it comes to calculating wages, the terms pro rata and per annum are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different things. 

Per annum refers to a year’s worth of salary. It is calculated by taking the total number of hours worked and multiplying it by the hourly rate of pay. This provides a total annual wage for the employee, before any deductions for tax or other benefits. 

Comparison between Pro Rata and Per Annum

Pro rata salary, on the other hand, is calculated when an employee works less than a full-time position. It is based on the ratio of the hours that the employee works compared to the hours a full-time employee would work. The result of this calculation is a figure which can be used to calculate their wages based on the time they actually worked. 

For example, if an employee works three days a week and the full-time equivalent is five days, then the pro rata salary would be 3/5ths of the full-time salary. This means that the employee will only be paid for the hours they worked instead of the entire year. 

Lastly, while both calculations provide a salary figure for an employee, they are quite different from one another. Per annum calculations provide a yearly salary figure for a full-time employee, while pro-rata calculations are used to calculate a part-time employee’s salary based on their actual working hours.

How Is Pro Rata Annual Leave Calculated For Part-Time Employees?

Part-time employment is where an employee works fewer hours than a full-time employee, usually spread out over multiple days. As the number of hours worked is fewer than those of a full-time employee, the salary is usually lower, and the same is true for holiday entitlement. Pro rata annual leave is the amount of leave that a part-time employee is legally entitled to, based on their contracted working hours.

Calculation of Pro Rata Annual Leave for Part-Time Employees

The calculation of pro rata annual leave for part-time employees is relatively straightforward. The first step is to calculate the employee’s total hours worked in a week. This figure should be used to determine the number of days they are contracted to work each week. The second step is to multiply the number of days they work each week by 5.6. This will give you the number of days that the employee is entitled to take as a holiday. For example, if an employee works three days a week, then their annual leave entitlement would be 16.8 days (3 x 5.6). 

When calculating pro rata annual leave for part-time employees, it is important to remember that public holidays must be taken into account. If the employee works on a public holiday then they are entitled to an additional day off, either taken on another day or added on to their total annual leave entitlement. It is also important to note that employers must provide a written statement which sets out how much leave a part-time employee is entitled to. 

pro rata annual leave for part-time employees is calculated using the total number of days they are contracted to work each week multiplied by 5.6. Employers must also provide a written statement outlining the holiday entitlement of each part-time employee, taking into account any public holidays. This ensures that part-time employees receive the same legal rights as full-time employees when it comes to taking time off work.

Pro-Rata Holiday Entitlement

When it comes to part-time employment, employees are still entitled to the same holiday entitlement as their full-time counterparts. This means that pro-rata holiday entitlement is the same for part-time and full-time employees, but is calculated differently.

Explanation of Holiday Entitlement

Holiday entitlement is the amount of paid holidays a worker is entitled to each year. All workers, regardless of their hours worked, are legally entitled to a minimum of 5.6 weeks of paid holiday per year (28 days for a full-time worker). This holiday entitlement is calculated pro-rata for part-time workers based on the number of hours they work each week.

Calculation of Pro-Rata Holiday Entitlement

To calculate a pro-rata holiday entitlement, the employer needs to know the employee’s contracted hours per week. For example, if an employee works 20 hours per week, the employer should multiply 20 by 5.6 (the statutory minimum holiday allowance) to get 112 hours of paid holiday time (20 x 5.6 = 112). This means that the employee is entitled to 112 hours of paid holiday in total over the course of the year. The same formula can be used to calculate pro-rata holiday entitlement for employees who work fewer than 5 days a week. 

It’s important to note that employers must give the same holiday pay rate to part-time and full-time employees for any statutory paid leave. This means that an employee who works four days a week should be given the same rate of holiday pay as an employee who works five days a week. 

Pro-rata holiday entitlement is an important factor for businesses to consider when hiring part-time employees. It ensures that all workers are entitled to the same rights and benefits regardless of their contracted hours.


Calculating your pro rata salary correctly is essential to ensure you’re not underpaid or overpaid. Accurate calculations can help you plan financially, budget for taxes and benefits, and make sure you’re getting the fair wages that you deserve. 

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