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Introduction to Singapore’s Work Passes and Permits System

Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) in Singapore are either employed on a work permit or an S&T Employment Pass (TEP). Both passes allow the holder to take employment in the country for a period of time defined by the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore or the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore.

Depending on the position and demand on the job, a different type of work pass or permit may be issued. Generally, the most popular choice among employers is the Foreign Manpower Employment Act (FMEP) which regulates the hiring of foreign domestic workers. The FMEP is beneficial because it offers the worker certain rights, offers higher salaries, and puts employers under greater labour law protection.

In addition to the FMEP, Singapore has numerous other work pass and permit categories such as the Permits for Casual Contractors and Professionals, the Entrepreneur Pass, and the Personalized Employment Pass (PEP) which makes it easy for entrepreneurs and eligible professionals to work in Singapore. As a result, people from all over the world are able to set up shop and work in Singapore, making it an attractive destination for foreign talent.

Work Passes and Permits Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for any type of work pass or permit, foreigners have to meet certain criteria such as having the right qualifications, a valid passport, and having a valid visa. Depending on the type of pass applied for, the criteria may vary, however most are subject to the same basic requirements.

Entrepreneurs, for example, need to be able to demonstrate their entrepreneurial capabilities by proving their business plan, funding sources, and past successes. Professionals and casual contract workers need to prove their experience and education in their given profession as well as the results of their submitted skills assessment.

On top of that, most applicants must be able to prove that they are financially capable of supporting themselves without the need for financial assistance. Finally, for those seeking a job in Singapore, they must have a valid offer of employment from a Singapore-registered employer.

Types of Singapore Work Permits

As previously mentioned, Singapore offers a variety of work pass and permit categories. Here is a list of some of the most popular types:

Foreign Manpower Employment Act or FMEP:

This type of work pass allows the holder to work in Singapore, but they are subject to a work permit fee of S$5 per month. The FMEP also allows the holder to remain in the country for a period of up to two years.

Permits for Casual Contractors and Professionals:

This type of work pass requires the holder to have at least five years of experience in their profession in addition to all the necessary educational qualifications, and it is meant for professionals and casual contract workers. The pass also requires the holder to obtain and pass a mandatory skills assessment administered by the Ministry of Manpower.

Entrepreneur Pass:

This type of work pass is typically issued to entrepreneurs who meet the qualifications and requirements, including the financial requirements listed above. The holder of this pass is allowed to remain in the country for up to three years and is subject to the specific Entrepreneur Employment Pass Scheme.

Personalized Employment Pass or PEP:

PEP is like a special version of the FMEP and allows holders to remain in the country for up to three years. The PEP holder also has to prove that they have the necessary qualifications and experience to fill the job they are applying for. Depending on the eligibility, the applicant may not even have to pay the S$5 monthly fee associated with the FMEP.

FAQs on foreign domestic workers work passes and permits in Singapore

  1. What is the difference between a work permit and a PEP?

    A work permit is a visa issued by the Ministry of Manpower in Singapore that allows the holder to take up employment for a period of up to two years. The PEP is a more specialized version of the work permit and allows the holder to remain in the country for up to three years, depending on their eligibility.

  2. Do I need a skills assessment to be eligible for a Singapore work pass or permit?

    Professionals and casual contractors need to pass a skills assessment administered by the Ministry of Manpower in order to be eligible for a work pass or permit. The same rules do not apply to work permit holders and holders of the PEP.

  3. How long can I stay in Singapore under my work pass or permit?

    The length of time you are allowed to remain in Singapore depends on the type of work pass or permit you are holding. The standard FMEP is valid for up to two years, whereas the PEP allows for up to three years of stay in Singapore.

  4. What is the process for obtaining a work pass or permit in Singapore?

    The process for obtaining a work pass or permit in Singapore is similar for all types of passes mentioned above. Generally, you must show proof of your qualifications and experience, provide a valid passport, and have a valid offer of employment from a Singapore-registered employer.


Foreign domestic workers in Singapore are given the opportunity to work in the country on either a work permit or an S&T Employment Pass. Depending on the type of work they are doing, different types of passes may be available. It is important to understand the different requirements for each type of work pass or permit, as well as the length of stay and fees associated with each. Once all the criteria are met, the holder can then make their way to Singapore to take up employment in the country.

Overall, Singapore’s system of permits and passes for foreign domestic workers is an attractive option for those looking to take up employment in the country. With the right qualifications and requirements, these professionals can enjoy the benefits of working in Singapore.

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