Finding Support and Community as a Mature Student

Returning to study after a long period of absence is an exciting but daunting prospect. Starting or resuming education as a mature student can be nerve-wracking, and a lot of people don’t know where to turn for help. In this article, we’ll cover the resources available to students making this transition, from educational support to dedicated social networks. Let’s get started!

Benefits of Being a Mature Student

When people think about their student experience, they usually envision 18 years old living away from home for the first time, but the diversity of today’s student body means that’s not always the case. Maturity brings its own unique benefits to university life:

  • A greater degree of self-awareness and control than younger students.
  • The ability to bring often invaluable life experience to group discussions.
  • The potential to be a positive role model for younger students.
  • An understanding of when it’s time to knuckle down and work hard.
  • The need to balance recreational activities with academic goals.
  • And the appreciation of being part of something bigger.

For many students, it’s a chance to look at the world with fresh eyes – and be better equipped to make an impact.

The Challenges of Returning to Study

It’s no secret that mature students face their own particular set of challenges. While we may bring maturity, life experience and previous academic success to the table, there’s no ignoring the fact that we are also often juggling study with full-time work and personal life commitments. Not to mention the feeling of being ‘out of the loop’ when it comes to college culture and trends.

Finding The Right Support

Fret not – there’s plenty of help out there. Educational institutions are becoming increasingly aware of their mature student population, and there are often dedicated support teams in place to cater to them.

Enrolling in Courses

The process of enrolling in courses, choosing majors and sorting out your timetable can be intimidating even for students who’ve done it before. Don’t hesitate to lean on your university’s widely advertised support initiatives. That’s what they’re there for.

Academic Performance and Challenges

Life as a mature student is all about striking a balance between home and work life, recreational and social activities, and part-time studies. Think of your university support team as a kind of ‘life coach’. They’ll be able to provide practical tips for managing time and stress, resources for accessing available financial aid and scholarships, and guidance when it comes to managing academic challenges.

Making Social Connections

When it comes to making friends and connecting to younger students, it’s all about maintaining an open mind and an attitude of community. Participating in campus activities, joining student organizations and attending club meetings are great ways to socialize and expand your horizons, while meeting others who share your interests.

Mature student associations exist in many universities, and can provide the perfect platform for making meaningful relationships. These student-run bodies typically offer academic, social and personal support, as well as opportunities to network and create bonds.

Online Resources

The internet is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to balancing work and studying, finding supports and tackling academic challenges. Beyond university websites and support networks, forums and online discussion groups are great places to meet and communicate with other mature students. Reddit, Quora and dedicated Facebook/LinkedIn groups are all excellent places to start.

Common FAQs

Q. What are the benefits of being a mature student?
A. Being a mature student offers a range of benefits, from greater self-awareness and control to the potential to be a positive role model for younger students, to understanding when it’s time to work hard, and appreciating being part of something bigger.

Q. What kind of support is available to mature students?
A. Educational institutions are becoming increasingly aware of their mature student population, and there are often dedicated support teams in place to cater for them. This support can be in the form of guidance on enrolling courses and major selection, tips on how to manage academic performance and challenges, and social supports geared to helping mature students make connections.

Q. What online resources are available?
A. There are a wealth of online resources available to mature students. In addition to university websites and support networks, forums and online discussion groups are great places to meet and communicate with other mature students. Reddit, Quora and dedicated Facebook/LinkedIn groups are all excellent places to start.


So these are some of the key points you need to consider when looking to find support and community as a mature student. It can be a daunting prospect, but there are plenty of resources and avenues available to you. With the right help and a positive attitude, you’ll be well on your way to academic success. Best of luck!


  • Mature students can bring a range of benefits to university life.
  • Returning to study after a long period of absence can present unique challenges.
  • Educational institutions often have dedicated support initiatives in place for mature students.
  • Student associations can provide the perfect platform for making meaningful relationships.
  • The internet is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to tackling academic challenges.
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