The Importance of Mental Health While Studying Abroad as a Parent

Studying abroad is a major life event that can be both an exciting and stressful time in parents’ lives, but mental health should be taken into consideration to ensure a safe and successful journey. When parents embark on their study abroad journey, there are several factors that can affect their mental health. These can range from the language barrier, culture shock, home-sickness, financial stress, and more. This article will explore the importance of maintaining mental health while studying abroad as a parent, and make recommendations on ways to combat anxiety and keep yourself in a positive state of mind.

What are the Challenges of Studying Abroad as a Parent?

As a parent, studying abroad comes with a unique set of challenges that might not pertain to childless students. Parent-students may experience added stress due to the financial burden of supporting their family and having to leave them for extended periods. Parents may also find it difficult to find balance between their work, parental duties, and studies, creating a feeling of guilt for not spending enough time with their children.

The language barrier can also be a major source of anxiety because even if the parent is fluent in the language of the country they are studying in, their children may be struggling to keep up in school. Additionally, the difference in cultural norms can be shocking, making it difficult to navigate the new environment and get accustomed to the customs and habits. Finally, the new distance from family and friends can make it difficult to maintain a strong support system during challenging times.

What are the Benefits of Mental Health While Studying Abroad as a Parent?

Despite the challenges that come with studying abroad as a parent, there are several benefits to focusing on mental health. As a parent, maintaining healthy psychological state can ensure the safety of your family and assist you in meeting your study-abroad goals. A healthy mental state also has the power to provide a more fulfilling experience as a parent-student and make it easier to adjust to the new culture and environment.

It can also be beneficial to invest in self-care and make time for relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation, and journaling. Self-care is especially important for parents who are juggling numerous responsibilities at once and cannot commit a lot of time to unwinding. Taking breaks from work and studies especially to engage in activities they enjoy can provide emotional respite and boost mental health.

How to Maintain Mental Health While Studying Abroad as a Parent

Maintaining mental health while studying abroad as a parent starts by acknowledging that there will be times of stress and anxiety. It is important to learn how to accept and embrace these emotions without allowing them to consume you.

To keep stress levels low, it is recommended to manage assigned tasks efficiently and avoid procrastination. Create a reasonable schedule that allows you to balance studies, work, parenthood, and leisure time. Having structure can also help to manage expectations and prevent overwhelm.

It is also beneficial to form a strong support network and build relationships with both fellow students and locals. Connecting with people who understand your situation can provide helpful advice and support during hard times. There are many online forums and resource websites that cater to parent-students, and it can be helpful to join like-minded communities and take advantage of their resources.

Finally, it is important to practice self-care and make time to engage in activities that boost your mental wellness. Exercise, mindfulness and healthy eating are essential components of self-care, but it is also important to find activities that bring you joy and connect with your culture.


Q: What are the challenges of studying abroad as a parent?

A: The main challenges of studying abroad as a parent include language barriers, homesickness, financial pressures, and culture shock. Additionally, it can be difficult to balance parental duties, studies, and work.

Q: What are the benefits of mental health when studying abroad as a parent?

A: Keeping your mental wellbeing in check when studying abroad as a parent can help maintain the safety of your family and provide a more fulfilling experience as a student. Additionally, healthy mental health can encourage you to keep up with your studies and make it easier to adjust to the new culture and environment.

Q: How can I maintain mental health while studying abroad as a parent?

A: To maintain mental health while studying abroad as a parent, it is essential to learn how to accept and embrace negative emotions without allowing them to consume you. Additionally, it is important to manage tasks efficiently, form a strong support network, and make time for self-care activities.


Studying abroad as a parent can be an exciting yet emotionally challenging experience. It is important to recognize the unique set of challenges that come with this lifestyle and take steps to maintain mental health. Keeping stress levels low, forming a strong support network, and taking time for self-care are key components of managing psychological wellbeing while studying abroad. Finally, listening to your intuition and making healthy decisions is the best way to ensure a safe and successful journey as a parent-student.

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